Wednesday 7 March 2012

Latest Lazenbury Antics!!

Obviously the best way to adverstise new stunning property (in Thailand) is to show a model wearing a large prawn on her shoulder?! We must go and look....

Bathtime with candles - all very civilised!

Away for a friends surprise weekend - relaxing!

Lunch one day with Ian - see Beth - I'm still advertising for you!!!

I have now discovered how to make Penang Curry, Thai Green Curry, Som Tam (Pappaya Salad) and Khao Phad Gai (Chicken Fried Rice) - and also how to cheat - I now buy the paste straight from the market - had to take the photo to remind me which one was which!

A gheko decided to take a journey out with us one night! (stayed on for ages!)

Back at a favourite spot for lunch - The Glass House!

After 6 months and a few not so subtle hints from Ian I have finally finished the curtains!

Amber in the Year 5 production called 'Bully' - she loved it - the highlight of her time at Regents so far...

Poppy sitting on a cushion, on a stool, on a chair - to get her hair cut!

Half Term in Kho Chang - lovely place - will go back!

Purely by chance discovered a walkway that led up to a bar, guitarist playing, beers in a coolbox and a sunset - what more could you need?!

Poppy experimenting as ever.... at a little restaurant we discovered again purely by chance which was amazing, over the water, great food and fabulous wine (very rare here!)

After eating at restaurant (left of picture) Ian then khayaked us over to a little island for a while...

......then got Amber and Poppy to do the work whilst he chillaxed.....

Taking me back to the restaurant after dropping the girls back.. we swam in the sea that day with jelly fish and huge hermit crabs walking around?!

Lady Muck in the boat!

Amber ready to haul us in back at the restaurant!

Along the beach there were loads of swings - all great fun - Ian had a go as well until a group of Russians demanded the swing so they could take photos of themselves?!

On a snorkelling trip for the day, visiting 4 different islands - amazing! Girls loved it and did so well snorkelling. Collected oodles of shells, swam for ages and had a fab day!!!

Back at the resort - for a rest!

Back in Pattaya now - taking the girls out for some food after school last week - and trying out new phone camera - after last phone died. Went to a superb restaurant back in Kho Chang where you can dangle your feet over the sea and the table top is glass to see the sea - I didn't! Managed to lose my bag in the sea and watched is float away through the glass table top! Luckily got it back, very soggy but alas the phone died! (anything to get a new phone!!!)

Poppy playing the recorder.. as you do!

Yesterday at International Day at school (spot Poppy's tattoo). Amber was a Maypole Dancer and took bread and marmite into school (being English!) some loved it, some hated it!!!

Running the English stall yesterday with lovely friends Alison and Suzanne - really fun day!! We sold fudge, flapjack, scones, jelly and fairycakes - all homemade of course!!

Ian became an honorary 'Armenian' for the day (to support them) and became Lazenburian - managed to keep out 2 penalties playing football for Armenia against Russia - and then helped them to the Final where they won - happy times!!!

Last night at friends (Charlie and Katrin) house - Tukai (not sure of spelling) joined us for ages - please note photo not taken by me - I won't go anywhere near!

And finally.... back to International Day at the school!!

As you can see - still having lots of fun!!!
Love to you all!!!
Liz, Ian, Amber and Poppy XXX