Saturday 26 January 2013

Happy New Year!!!!!


 Local monkey in the trees on Ko Samed!

Sorry - technology fails me again! Just turn your head!

For someone that doesn't like early mornings we were all quite surprised that Ian wanted to see the sunrise on Ko Samed - it was so worth it!

Yes... OK turn your head again...!

How many hands can you get to cover up a tummy?!

Amber lost a big tooth on New Year's Day! ....yes, turn head again!

This cat is called 'Little'?!

Visiting Khun Gai for haircuts...

twice.... for some reason?!

Poppy relaxing the in the bath confetti from 'The Odd Parents'!

We went to  'The Lake' nearby for a meal - I came back with a gorgeous dress from a very lovely Ladyboy - 'only in Thailand'!


Discovered I had a flat tyre (Ian was away in the jungle) and my phone ran out of credit - 7 amazing Thai men helped me - well 2 helped me and 5 watched - all I could give them was 100 baht (£2) and some banana muffins! One of the amazing sides to Thailand!

Amber and Poppy managed to get nits from school - great?! Might as well have fun using the horrible shampoo though?! Nits in Thailand are bigger than the UK!

Ian in the jungle - he took 5 Armenians off for 3 days, tents were ripped apart by monkeys and all food stolen - it was an 'interesting trip' - slightly different to camping on Dartmoor!

So - its a new year and we have exciting news as we are going to be leaving Thailand in June and heading to Penang in Malaysia to a fabulous school called Prince of Wales Island International School. Ian will be taking up the position of Head of Physics and International Award - we are very excited!! The girls are mainly excited about the fact we will live in a house again and there will be 'stairs to go up to bed'!

The 'Odd Parents' are coming out to visit us in 11 sleeps time - we are counting down the days....

Have a fantastic 2013 everyone!

Love Liz, Ian, Amber and Poppy XXX