Saturday 29 October 2011

Ko Samet

Ko Samet - Half Term

Hi there! Now realised I can only do a few photos for this to work - so even though there are millions to choose from - here is the massively abridged version! We went to Ko Samet for 3 nights and stayed in a fab little bamboo hut with superb view (photo on facebook album!) Bartered with a lady for the girls to swap inflatables all day - they have now grown gills and prefer the sea to land!

This is family Lazenbury at Vongduen Beach on Ko Samet - it was wonderful! (as long as we had long trousers for mossies!)

Vongduen again - this is where we had lunch a couple of times - it is a hard life at times! Ian has taken to eating Khao Phad Gai - chicken fried rice at every meal - needless to say he remains in the same peak physical condition! Girls OD'd on fruit shakes - mainly pineapple which are awesome! I nearly killed myself with spicy Papaya Salad - even asking for it only a little spicy even my nose when red with the chilli - and I had to admit defeat!

On our last evening we went out on a squid fishing boat which was great fun - little scary to begin with as we were on deck chairs on the top deck and there were no sides to the boat, but soon got used to it - we were in a sky of purple - the sunset was awesome and felt like we were in a purple blanket! Totally rubbish at squid fishing and caught nothing - but luckily the fishermen were better at it with their nets so we got to eat the freshest squid ever and Amber discovered she loves rice soup!!!

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