Monday 30 January 2012

What the new year has bought so far....!

Greetings All!

These have got a little mixed up due to my lack of technical ability but I can't bear to do it again so bear with....

Amber and Poppy discovered the enormously popular football game - available in all shopping centers - Amber was Chelsea and Poppy Real Madrid! However after getting the game to work, the girls (much to the amusement of local Thais - who take it very seriously) made their players spin in circles and skip down the pitch - very amusing!!

Roland Rat in the school pool - Poppy's hair was a very bad shade of green due to all the chemicals that get thown into the pool - the answer washing hair in tomato ketchup and wearing a swimming cap - hence our new little rat daughter!

Amber Rooney just chilling! (and trying to keep her ever expanding bikini bottoms on!)

The girls and I hopped into Hugo (our truck) to nip to 7/11 and met a yam truck leaving the fields behind the school - now they know where they are grown and how!

See - technical inability - more skipping down the pitch!

At a local market - of course - I AM PIZZA!

New footwear required - never expected Amber to go for these in a million years - she loves them!

Ian has found his creative side and started to paint?! So far we have a pink one, a red elephant and 3 orang-utans - girls are now living in fear that they might have to house one of his creations in their rooms!

Bad hair day for Poppy!

Sleepover time! Both nestled on their beanbag chair/bed things. Have now moved into one bedroom together and loving it - the other room is now their playroom.

Our first attempt at making banana pancakes together - they were amazing - will definitely repeat this one!

At the shopping centre.............

Foot, fish nibbling take two.....

Only this time I think we were the first victims of the day - it was excrutiating! The fish were very hungry and it was all we could do to keep our feet in the water!

Poppy on the phone to Nanny!

Chinese New Year!

A new discovery last week we came across The Glass House in Jomtien - on Ian's day off - lovely relaxing place, piped music, big fat cushions and a superb view.

Robinson Crusoe couldn't resist doing some beach combing - now on our balcony and will become 'something' soon!

Apologies! Not a bad spot for lunch though!

On Ian's night off we went exploring a little with the girls and found the Sanctuary of Truth - need to visit it properly now to see it closer.

Boats by the restaurant (could be Ian's next picture?!)

Just to give us a little reassurance when we arrived in Thailand - we discovered that Jimmy White has bought a place here "in a perfect location" - what more can you ask for than gigantic posters of Jimmy White everywhere?!

Well I think that's it so far - apart from sharing a few menu options we came across this week when we visited some waterfalls - food was fab - but the options we didn't go for were; "Penetrate", "Penetrate on Egg", "Boil Be Delicious" and "Mix Total Up The Friend"!!!!

I don't think I can add anything to that?!

Love from us all in Thailand XXX

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