Tuesday 23 April 2013

Sawadee Bee Mai (Thai Happy New Year)

This year Ian wanted to experience Songkran (Thai New Year) so we returned from Cambodia in time and it was amazing. The craziest day so far in Thailand!

 The before shot...

Ready for a soaking - with Carolyn

Here we go....

Camille took it so well!

and Carolyn!

Paste and water smeared on faces - all good fun!

Now - that was cold!

Super day - thanks Camille for the madness!!!

Koh Chang/Cambodia April 2013

Back on Koh Chang for Songkran/Easter Holidays

Carolyn and I were the support team whilst Ian and Will swam to the island!

Half Iron Man training going well! (Ian and Will return unscathed!)

Amber and Poppy with Astrid at Kai Bae

We stayed the night at the Buddha View - cool bathroom!

Diving cancelled due to huge storm!

but perfect later that morning!

Heading towards Cambodia - Hugo our truck

We abandoned Hugo at the border so all our time in Cambodia was spent on Tuk Tuk - which the girls totally loved.

Our hotel in Cambodia - not bad!

Typical street scene - chefs waiting to start cooking, watching life pass by meanwhile a couple of tuk tuk drives play chess!

Fab bath robes - perfect fit!

Sunrise at Angkor Wat

13 years ago we were able to climb up and down the actual temple steps - now they are definitely scarier!

How many people can you transport with one motorbike?!

Tomb Raider Temple still the favourite.

Bad hair day Poppy!

Amber cooking on the Khmer BBQ

Pub Street in Siem Reap

Cambodia was amazing - fabulous people, food, drink and temples - superb holiday!

Monday 22 April 2013

The Odd Parents come to visit!

Only in Thailand.....

Poppy dances well at Zumbatomic and takes home 'Beto Bear' for a week.

Poppy in The Lion King - fantastic effort by all the kids - she stayed in character ALL day!

Amber at sports day with her lovely teacher - was told yesterday that Amber a mean arm for shot putt!!

Poppy nearly kills herself winning the 400m!

Koh Chang - our wonderful room over the sea - see Mum I do write to you whilst I'm away!

The view from the pool (our room hidden by the tree)

We love Koh Chang - it was fabulous to take David and Sharon!

Sharon chilling at the Buddha Bar

A little island that we kayaked to - I'd kayak with Amber any day she's fab! This place was pure bliss! David and Sharon explored the island meanwhile.....

 To the first bar....!

David finds an island of munchkins..

..and beatiful flowers!

Kai bae in Koh Chang - the infamous Neylons do their stuff on stage - awesome!

 A little wet one we tried to rescue

Ian in training for his Half Iron Man - doing a coastal swim and trying to not get tangled up in the seaweed!

Bezzie mates at the bar

Wherever we go Amber and Poppy will find some animal to play with - pressure mounting for a dog in Malaysia - I've got my fingers crossed too!

Ali and I kayaked out with Coben and Poppy to the island (support team for Ian swimming!!)

Back in Pattaya at the floating market

Buying the weeks fruit

Whilst the kids played we played!

At Naklua Sunday market - a favourite for both of them!

Sharon determined to get some sound out!

At the gallery in Pattaya

David Big Belly

Walking Street (tame night)

Couldn't believe Sharon did this - she did actually enjoy it!

Sanctuary of Truth - incredible wooden building - awesome!

'On your bike' back home!

More to come soon....