Tuesday 23 April 2013

Koh Chang/Cambodia April 2013

Back on Koh Chang for Songkran/Easter Holidays

Carolyn and I were the support team whilst Ian and Will swam to the island!

Half Iron Man training going well! (Ian and Will return unscathed!)

Amber and Poppy with Astrid at Kai Bae

We stayed the night at the Buddha View - cool bathroom!

Diving cancelled due to huge storm!

but perfect later that morning!

Heading towards Cambodia - Hugo our truck

We abandoned Hugo at the border so all our time in Cambodia was spent on Tuk Tuk - which the girls totally loved.

Our hotel in Cambodia - not bad!

Typical street scene - chefs waiting to start cooking, watching life pass by meanwhile a couple of tuk tuk drives play chess!

Fab bath robes - perfect fit!

Sunrise at Angkor Wat

13 years ago we were able to climb up and down the actual temple steps - now they are definitely scarier!

How many people can you transport with one motorbike?!

Tomb Raider Temple still the favourite.

Bad hair day Poppy!

Amber cooking on the Khmer BBQ

Pub Street in Siem Reap

Cambodia was amazing - fabulous people, food, drink and temples - superb holiday!

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