Monday 26 December 2011

Christmas in Thailand! (in brief)!

We flew up to Chiang Rai - all very exciting!!!

Hotel actually turned out to be an hour out of Chiang Rai in Chiang Saen - a really little place on the banks of the Mekong River - we had a lovely week there including Christmas day. The locals grinned at us every time we passed them on the bicycles! Really lovely atmosphere even though they don't celebrate Christmas.

The first of many tuk tuk journeys

Amber and Poppy playing 'poo head' by the Mekong - not a bad location! Really cold morning and evening but daytime was lovely! Actually nice to feel cold which was odd!

We loved the robes!!!

Burma behind us, Laos to the right over the river and we were in Thailand. We did go to Laos for a quick trip and got our passports stamped - a proper trip will happen at some point but had to be done! We took the girls to an Opium museum which was really good but have had a million questions since then - mostly from a curious Poppy! (funnily enough!)

Amber and Poppy had their first massage ever - will not be their last!

Christmas Day at a hotel with an elephant camp?! We watched them playing Elephant Polo then having a bath in the river - really lovely to see! Celebrated Christmas with a glass of decent wine, in a jacuzzi overlooking fab views. Happy Christmas everyone - more photos to follow but a little snapshot now to keep you going!

Its now Boxing Day - we are in Chiang Rai and tomorrow going trekking for two days with the girls, elephant riding, cooking with bamboo and seeing hill tribes - I am doing the blog whilst getting my fix of carols thanks to the ipod - HAPPY BOXING DAY!!!

love to all, Liz, Ian, Amber and Poppy XXX

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