Sunday 18 December 2011

Christmas Time is here!!!!

Festive Greetings everyone!

Its been an interesting couple of weeks since last blogging - Ian has managed to pay two fines to the police - firstly the police pulled him over and came up with no reason whatsoever for stopping him - we think he got fined for having a beard?!

The second was a parking ticket - a friend translated it and it transpires that you can only park on the left or right hand side of the road - depending if it is an odd or even day?! 400 baht later we are no clearer!

During the last week of term the boarding staff all became Alice Cooper and sang to 'Schools out for Christmas' - very amusing!

Ian and Del with a few of the students!

Amber introduced the acts at the Christmas Concert and even managed to say 'auspicious' - in front of about 500 people - we were very proud!!

Ian has discovered his 'green fingers' and is becoming Percy Thrower of Pattaya - all very colourful.

I've managed to take two Zumba classes a week which is immensely exciting - leg holding out so far!

Girls night out in Pattaya this week!

We had Christmas Day yesterday with friends at school - all the 'newbies' that had arrived together - really lovely to have everyone round at Baan Lazenbury. Ian was a fab chef, we had prawn cocktail, roast turkey (only missing parsnips and sprouts - parsnips don't exist here and sprouts were outrageously expensive - and also revolting - so good excuse not to have them!) and little mince filo tartlets. Charades, 'Name in the bag' and Twister then followed with a late cheese board (a huge treat here as cheese is really expensive!) Fab night - it took me until 6pm today to feel remotely human again!

Amber opening her present from Nanny - all very exciting - we've had to open bigger ones as we leave for Chiang Rai tomorrow and can't take them all with us!

Amber did her normal lovely thing again and gave each of us a present - this was Poppy's turn.

The mad chef!

We had a lovely time with lovely friends!

We are away now for three weeks - Chiang Rai and then Chian Mai where we are going to see Amber's elephant called Hope that Aunty Susan bought for her - can't wait to see him - we've already heard he is a bit naughty and flings poo at the vet when he visits!

Have a great Christmas everyone and a very Happy New Year!!!!


Liz, Ian, Amber and Poppy xxx

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