Sunday 17 June 2012

Birthday Time....

OK - well this is the 3rd time I have tried to do this - so apologies for how it looks but I can't bear to do it again!!!! I just hope the photos don't stay huge!(bear with...)

Amber went on a 3 day trip to an Animal Rescue Centre....

They watched a paralysed tiger take a bath and do some exercises in the lake.... (as you do!)

In the truck being blown away.... until they had to stop...

.... to let a wild elephant cross the road!!

Karaoke - fabulous night - will be repeated next year!!! - in true Lazenbury style!

and later that night in Carolyn and Will's house!!!

The School formal...

Our typical fruit bowl here...

Girls on a 'girlie afternoon'!

With Katrin and Charlie - both leaving this summer and will be sorely missed by us all!

Girls now able to make spring rolls for their packed lunches!

Fancy dress at Kat and Charlie's - Ian said I looked like mass murderer!!! Girls really unimpressed too!

ha ha - sorry you got that scary one twice!!!

Amber is 10!!!! Wearing great birthday glasses from Beth and clutching a new bag from Aunty Susan!!

Off to Mantra for an amazing buffet - my 'growing up' girls!

By the chocolate fountains - yes 3 of them - at Mantra! The cheese selection was incredible and the bread and seafood... but mostly we loved the fresh fruit bizarrely - fresh raspberries, strawberries and cherries - amazing!

The staff surprised Amber with a cake and sang Happy Birthday - surprised us as they must have heard us wish Amber a Happy Birthday!

Poppy doing some 'land skiing' - practising for when we hit South Korea in December!

Amber in class with some cake for everyone!

Ali and I organised a 'Jubilee Tea' at school for residents - really lovely afternoon!

Concentration at the start of the sack race - embarrasingly I took out the Principal - totally lost control of my sack!!! (the tattoo is not real..... yet!)

There was crown making for the kids, colouring, arts and crafts for all!

... and copious amounts of proper PG Tips Tea (thank you Camille!)

All really good fun!!

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