Sunday 17 June 2012

Take Two..... on Birthday Time!!!

Part two and the computer is behaving (nothing to do with me of course!!)

We had a fabulous weekend on Ko Samet with friends Ali, Simon, Coben and Saffron

The toothless wonder..

Ali and I at a bar!

Ian doing his normal thing - rock pooling and catching crabs!

Grand Designs - Ian Lazenbury style...

Fabulous weather and waves.... had the most terrifying trip over in a tiny speedboat with enormous waves - the ferry looks a good option next time!

Big waves and big rip - had to be careful!

Cocktail O'clock!

The Famous Four....

Surprise cake and pressie - which were lovely - Jamie Oliver cookbook!!! Fabulous!

A normal wonderful evening on Ko Samet!

The Lazenbury Clan!

Poppy P creating artwork whilst Amber went away on a 3 day barge trip to Ayuthaya!

I had to do Zumba in birthday princess tiara - and it stayed on the whole time!!! I then got treated by the Zumba girls to some lovely cake with fresh strawberries - totally decadent and very spoilt!

Lunch with my man at the The Hilton!

...then out with the girls in the evening for an awesome seafood buffet - what a birthday!

Oops! Back to Ko Samet for a quick photo! (rock pooling again!)

Charlie at Sailors bar - a normal Tuesday evening!!!

Poppy is the little body 3 from the right - doing a swimming demonstration!

Probably one of THE most bizarre events at school so far.... we were told to meet in a room to sign our visas - turned out the entire immigration team were there, with their huge mascot, wanting us to sign up to their facebook site, then we all had our photo taken whilst the officials were presented baskets of fruit?! Only in Thailand!

Cycling trip to 7/11 for an icecream - we know how to live!

Our last Friday morning Zumba session with a few of the 'Zumbites' - Maggie and Marjolyn you will be missed! (next time I will remember to put the water bottle down!)

Sunday I went with Ali to Chatachak market in Bangkok - awesome - Beth you are going to love it!!!

The best stall in there! Have no idea how people cope there on a hot day!?! Another great day out!

I am hoping that this attempt is better!!! That's it for a while - we are all up to date! This is our last week of school before the holidays - we have nearly completed our first school year in Thailand - which is incredible!!!

Next week Amber and I are going to learn how to dive (?!) then we have friends Beth, Paul, Lois and Luke coming out for 2 weeks in July - our first guests - 23 sleeps to go!!!

Thank you to everyone for all the cards, presents, letters etc. they are so important to us all!!! (and to my Mum for sending out English magazines which are a real treat!)

Speak to you all soon!!!

Liz, Ian, Amber and Poppy XXX

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