Friday 8 November 2013

Nearly 3 months already in Malaysia!

Our first Malaysian sunset!

Yeah - finally have an oven that works - bread rolls created for pumpking soup!

First day of school - Amber in Prince of Wales uniform and Poppy in St. Christopher's

Good to know what food helps your spleen!

Pumpkin Pig dumpling

Traditional Malaysian Laksa - not something to be repeated - required taste (Ian managed the best)!

Amber created red dragonfruit shake!

Ingenious use of shoes!

Fabulous artwork in Penang

and temples...

and funny artwork..

Discovering Little India

Not looking over the edge of the 360 Bar!

Spent a morning at the fabulous Butterfly Farm

One of Poppy's favourite spots at school - the turtle pond!

Ouch - managed to scrape the car quite successfully - all sorted with much needed help from friends!

Now doing nails at home - takes forever though!

Poppy turns 9!

Poppy's favourite friend from school Rebecca

Seafood heaven at the Rasa Sayang - Poppy's birthday buffet

Cancer Pink Ribbon event at the Eastern and Oriental

Ian finally gets his much needed bike for Half Iron Man training

Amber posing!

more artwork...

Halloween Party!

Amber and I got henna'd in Little India

Big ouch - Ian escaped serious injuries with stitches to his head and knee and an overnight stay in hospital - already back training for Half Iron Man on 1st December in Phuket!

On our way back to Thailand to see fabulous friends for a few days!

Thank you Narelle for an awesome visit!!!!

We are still in the rainy season here (raining as I type) - can't believe we are in November already - sorry for the delay again but hope you enjoy!!!!

Lots of love from us all! X

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