Saturday 26 April 2014

OK - So I got side tracked!!......

I have been more remiss than normal..... this posting is for, ah em, December 2013 - bear with - I am catching up slowly!

Ian in the Prince Of Wales magazine showing how fun International Award can be!

The gingerbread house tradition decorated by the kids - that had to be stored in tupperware whilst we skiied for ant proofing!

Off to South Korea skiing! (with Patches of course!)

First gondola up!

Selfie alert! (more to come!)

Fabulous weather - snow and sun - perfect!

Our lovely resort straight off the slopes - different from sleeping on a heated floor as we did last year!

Joined by the Fabulous Farrell Family on the slopes!

Oh my goodness - it worked! Some actual footage, unfortunately Ian not skiing - he would have been too fast for you to see anyway!

Guess who?!

From the slopes to 72 floors up in Sue and Cam's apartment in Busan - we had a fabulous time with them, thoroughly spoilt, ate and drank far too much - it would have been rude not to!

Our hosts - the lovely Sue and Cam!

The view from our room - took me a while to be able to go to the wall/end of the building.. had to ignore it whilst in bed - far too scary!

Ha ha - yes we are always eating.... the delights of Korean food - fabulous!

Zack showing the girls how its done!

Another selfie! 

Group walk along the boardwalk

Year of the Horse - Amber's year!

Our goal at the end of the strenuous walk (not!)

From the cold of Korea back to hot Malaysia to be met by the fabulous Ali and family for Christmas!

Amber doing Father Christmas at Hard Rock!

Christmas Day with the fabulous Shales! (being all very British!)

Spice Gardens on Boxing Day - with crackers (thank you Beth!)

Told you there were a few..

Trishaw races around George Town - Coben and Poppy egging them on - drivers suddenly decided to race each other (actually I think Ali instigated it!)

In one piece at the end!

So - this was December 2013 - don't hold your breath for the next one but I'm on the case now!

Enjoy X

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