Saturday 26 April 2014

January 2014!

New Year's resolutions - Ian's - not to make any;  Poppy's - to stop cracking her fingers?!, Amber's and mine - to eat as many Percy Pigs as possible! Going well so far....

 Off walking to Monkey Beach in the National Park - great walk but not so great nearly bumping into huge Monitor Lizards on the paths! (needless to say Ian loved them and ran off into the buses after them!)

The aformentioned Monitor Lizard

Testing out the new inflatable park - great fun - ticket lasted for 2 hours, we managed 1.5 - exhausted! Nets in the water to stop jellyfish - "if you get stung by one then you will be lucky"?! 

Nature Watch -  on a local bike ride saw the snake and lizard drop from a tree 1m away - fascinating until the lizard escaped then both lizard and snake charged at us on the path - we like to think the lizard got away in the end!

Poppy having lunch at 'The Temple of Fine Arts'- amazing Indian vegetarian food - here you help yourself to anything you like, as many times as you like, then.... pay what you like! Took Ian and Amber too and they loved it!

On a local bike ride

The barbers!

Local fishing village

Another new eating place discovered - great seafood and lovely place to be

Our first experience of Thaipusam - absolutely incredible

The devotees go to the temple early and whilst in a trance like state have hooks attached to their bodies, and piercings through cheeks and tongues. Milk is carried in vessels to the temple, either on their heads or in cups.

The sights were quite gruesome but fascinating

The colours were incredible

This man made it to the foot of the temple then could barely walk - incredible and very humbling to witness

The crowds making their way to the top of the temple to offer the milk

Some walked on nails

Cups containing milk hooked onto their bodies

Poppy off for 3 nights, 4 days to Ipoh with school where she had a fantastic time learning to weave and blow amo from a blow pipe?!

Poppy's best friend at school Rebecca

Our treat occasionally on a Sunday - The Ferrenghi Cafe - fabulous eggs benedict!

Amber in her first basket ball match for POWIIS - beat Uplands - result!

Chinese New Year!

Poppy with school mates, Rebecca and Tegan (Amber didn't dress up in senior school!)

Beautiful flowers everywhere - lucky colours for wealth, luck and good fortune

Off to Kuala Lumpur for a few days 

Rooney is growing up!

All in correct attire to visit the National Mosque - Amber actually liked wearing the head gear whilst Poppy and I boiled!

The Chinese New Year decorations were incredible - everywhere!

Ian found an amazing Science Museum in a shopping centre which was awesome (ie. I could go shopping whilst Ian and the kids played for hours!)

Found a superb place to paint our own Batik pictures - spent hours there - so relaxing!

Ian's masterpieces (oh yes we all loved it so much we did several) are now adorning our walls!

So this was January!!!!! X

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