Sunday 6 November 2011

1st week of November!

This week the girls celebrated Loy Krathong in traditional Thai dress....

Had a moments silence for the flood victims in Bangkok

Then floated their Krathongs - Poppy had a top heavy one that keeled over!

The pool looked amazing after all the children had floated their Krathongs

Amber's was a more stable design!

From Baghdad trousers to.... yes my pumpking... our shipping has arrived!!!! It was too late for the Halloween evening so at a friends fancy dress cartoon party - I was the pumpkin from Cinderella (it had to happen!) Pictured here with a fab new friend Nat (otherwise known as Ali Baba)!

Beth - wonderful person that you are! I now have Minx toenails, a wonderful new funky nail varnish but most awesome a cuddly toy for Amber and Poppy and a card from Lois - everyone very happy - especially my toes....time to get the business cards printed!!

My goodness what will next week bring?! and to top it all I actually managed to download the photos myself from my phone without asking Ian once - wonders will never cease..........!!

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