Monday 21 November 2011

November in Thailand!

Amber and her new friend Erika (yellow t-shirt) at the cross country competition - she managed to come in 11 places higher than last time - once she realised she didn't have to wait for her friends and she could run!

Poppy in true lady like fashion!

Seafood restaurant in Rayong - Pineapple shakes were fab! was the seafood!

Sunday spent on the beach... (Ian's first weekend off in 3 weeks - so definitely needed!)

At a restaurant on the beach in Rayong - beer in hand, November?!

Unfortunately the BBQ shirt came with us - returning to the country it was bought from some 10 years ago?!

My mad girls!

Lunch the previous weekend in Pattaya - not bad!

Poppy managed to stay still long enough to have these put on - I was practising!

This weekend just gone we had a wonderful seafood meal on the beach, again in Rayong sitting at low tables all food cooked on the little clay BBQ's in the foreground - wonderful!

In conclusion - finding it very difficult to believe we are nearly in December and Ian's birthday is this Friday?! Shopping at Macros this week to Jingle Bells was wierd! I have had my hair dyed and cut - asking in Thai for a 'boy cut' - she thought it was hilarious - was there for 2 hours being coloured, shampooed, head massage - and then 'steamed' which was a new one on me! All for the bargain price of £14!

Christmas presents going in the post today - all little tokens please don't get excited! Off to get a fake tree today - I hate the idea but needs must!

Still enjoying life here - miss friends loads and must skype more - sorry everyone! Take care!

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