Thursday 3 November 2011

First Thai dishes!

I have just returned from my first Thai Cookery Course - it was superb! The first dish created was Red Thai Curry and it was like doing a workout with the pestle and mortar to create the paste - the jars of paste look good to me!

Spring rolls have already been eaten - but got some brownie points as bought all 6 dishes created back home to share and Amber will be so pleased as I now know how to make 'rice soup' - the blandest thing you could eat in Thailand is one of Amber's favourite!  We ate it on the squid fishing boat in Ko Samet! (as long as its followed by apple crumble she is happy!)

Still trying to learn Thai which is hard work - thought I was doing OK the other day in a lesson and quite proudly told the teacher (in an exercise) that "I have an ant" - I was supposed to say I have a car. The trouble being both words are 'mot' - it just depends how you say it! The tones make all the difference!

Had a totally fab time learning to cook this morning and will hopefully go back and learn more - in the meantime I need to get myself to a market and source the ingredients - all good fun!

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