Saturday 26 November 2011

Ian's Birthday Weekend - OMG he's 44!!!!

Birthday lunch next to the lotus field

a healthy bowl of noodle, fish ball soup - that I nearly killed myself on by adding too much chilli - really should have learned by now... Ian loved it (and added tonnes more chilli than me!)

In the evening we went to watch Nick as an Ugly Sister in Cinderella!!! (Nick, Lu, Polly and Tilly came out with us to Thailand from Bere Alston, Devon, and are fab fab friends!!)

Yes it got worse! Ian had a fab time heckling then Nick got revenge and pulled him up on stage!

Pantomime followed by a very colourful ladyboy cabaret!!!

The following morning we recovered with a good breakfast!

This is our new golden truck called Hugo! We have Thai driving licences now after telling the difference between blue, green and red when pointed to on a chart, pushing a foot pedal on the ground when a light turned red and managing to get two pieces of plastic lined up - we are now allowed to drive in Thailand without even going near a car?!

After breakfast we headed off to 'Zign' where the girls swam and played for hours...

Whilst Ian came to grips with his first day of being 44!!!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Liz
    It sure does look like one mighty fine experience of life being out there! Hope it is everything you hoped it would be and lots more. Lovely seeing pics of Nick, Harriet misses him loads at school and says it's not the same anymore without him!!!!! The girls look like they are having a ball and getting very bronzed at the same time!! Loving the blogs, keep them coming xxxx I have a blog site if you fancy keeping up to date with our Devon life back here in gorgeous blue sky, cold & frosty Tavistock??!! xx (you will see it on my FB wall sometime soon) xxxx
